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In the most of the companies that I worked for, I developed all the lifecycle of the software:

  • I have a conference with the customers to establishing the requirements
  • I write the documentation: diagrams UML, ER, mockup, functional analysis
  • I develop software
  • I write the test documentation for covering of all the tree of the execution of the software
  • I execute the tests written by me and send the check evidence (milestone) to the clients

12/12/2016-12/12/2017: Java Senior Software engineer developer at Liberty IT Dublin

Enriching a Mule ESB project which makes documents storing them on Alfresco. Technologies:Java, JMETER, web services SOAP, REST services, SOAPUI,Mule ESB, Anypoint studio, MUnit, Alfresco API, Security of web services and rest services, Rabbit MQ

01/03/2016-09/12/2016: Java Senior Software engineer developer contractor at Zurich Dublin

Customer support and working end to end to a project made of the below technologies: Struts, HTML,CSS,Bootstrap, Jquery, Ibatis, Velocity, JMS, SQL database Oracle, IBM Rational Application Developer, Servlets, jmeter, google analytics, xsl

01/08/2015 - 31/02/2016: Java Senior Software engineer developer at Ericsson (Athlone) for Sidero

Enriching two projects:Metric Visualization: software which shows charts about number of commits, open issues, Uploaded Maven artifacts for statistics about continuous integration; Dependency management: software which shows graphically the dependency between the maven artifactsUsing the technologies: J2EE, Spring boot, Spring MVC, Swagger, Mockito, Powermock, Cobertura, restassured, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, D3libs, GoJS, Jasmine tests, NodeJS, Jquery, Kibana, elastic search, Docker, LDAP, AETHER, Neo4J, RabbitMq, Swagger,Flink,SinonJS, Jenkins, Jira

Since I was the only person of the team who known the UI technologies (Html, Css, Javascript) I was initially the responsible of the UI of both above projects. I learnt the Ericsson UI SDK framework from the UI team and I taught it to the other employees of my team. Finally the UI was under control and I was able to work end to end (front end side and back end side) on both projects

01/08/2013-31/07/2015: Java Senior Software engineer developer at Star Solutions 22/04/2015-31/07/2015: Application maintainance, bug fixing and enhancement of many starsolutions applications (enhancement of Back end and Front end)

Technologies used: Databases Oracle, Postgres, Java 1.8, Rest services (Rest Easy), Web services (Axis, Jax-WS), parsing and sending automatic mails, Hibernate, Quartz, Regular Expression, Eclipse, Web server tomcat, log4j, jar executable, eclipse, tool putty, operating system linux,svn, language PHP Modx, build Maven,Squirrel

01/04/2015-21/04/2015: Front end mobile developer of beecontact

Technologies used: javascript AngularJS, Ionic framework, Cordova Android, nodejs, gulp, Apple mobile aplication font end, operating system linux, many tools, Mustaches, Lodash

2/2015 to 3/2015: Outsourcing external consultant Java Software engineer developer in cheBanca

Maintenance and enhancement of the backoffice che banca application (enhancement of Back end and Front end)

technologies used: PL-SQL,Java,Eclipse, tools Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java,reflection java,Filezilla, Front end CSS,Javascript,HTML,Database Oracle, Web server Rational Software Architects,Quartz, Chron expressions,Script XML of Build ant,JBPM,Clear Case,JSF,web service SOA (XSD,WSDL, JAXB marshalling)

12/2014 to 1/2015: Outsourcing external consultant Java Software engineer developer in SI2001

I made two activities

  • Making many PL SQL packages to process many xml stored in a table of DB
  • Enhancement of a project made of Struts (enhancement of Back end and Front end)

Technologies used: PL-SQL, Struts, Java,Eclipse, tools Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java, Filezilla, Database Oracle,XMLType oracle XPath,Struts, Web server Apache Tomcat

11/2014 : Outsourcing external consultant Java software engineer at central headquarter of Lynx.

I made one GWT widget and one Metastorm flow (enhancement of Back end and Front end)

Technologies used: Spring dependency injenction, Database HSQLDB,font end GWT,Metastorm,DB Oracle,CSS,Javascript,HTML,build Maven,Java,Eclipse, tools Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java,Filezilla

05/2014 to 10/2014: Outsourcing external consultant for Lynx at “E.ON” (energy)

Enhancement of bus made of Mule ESB that interconnects all EON systems. When a system wants to communicate with another he has to send a request to this bus and the bus calls the other system< There are many ways to communicate: store a file into a directory, call a web service SOAP, execute query in a DB My role was to study both the endpoints and to make the Mule ESB flow that perform this communication

Technologies used: groovy, JUNIT, mule ESB,Salesforce (SOQL), Spring dependency injenction,Database Oracle,Quartz, Chron expressions,build Maven,Java,Eclipse,tool Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java,multithreading java, regular expression,Filezilla

10/2013 to 04/2014: Outsourcing external consultant for Lynx at “Che Banca” (bank)

Maintenance and enhancement of the backoffice che banca application (enhancement of Back end and Front end)

technologies used: PL-SQL,Java,Eclipse, tools Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java,reflection java,Filezilla, Front end CSS,Javascript,HTML,Database Oracle, Web server Rational Software Architects,Quartz, Chron expressions,Script XML of Build ant,JBPM,Clear Case,JSF,web service SOA (XSD,WSDL, JAXB marshalling)

08/2013 to 10-2013: Developing software in central headquarter of Star solutions

Enhancement of back end and front end of a small application made of Spring MVC

technologies used: small project in Spring model and view, Maven, JBOSS, hibernate with annotation, web services, SOAPUI, data base MYSQL,JSTL. I developed as back end as front end,SVN, javascript, jquery, reflection,JUNIT

01/11/2011 to 01/08/2013: Java developer Junior at Sempla SRL (now GFT Italy) 06/2013 to 08/2013: Loading flows at central headquarter Sempa, Milan (Italy)

Technologies used: Java,Eclipse, tool Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java,reflection, language java, Filezilla,IBM Datastage,Database Oracle Weblogic,DB2

11/2011 to 05/2013: Outsourcing external consultant in UBI Banca (Bank). Back end developer I made the whole back end and the whole DB for an application for the Anti-theft money from the scratch

Technologies used: database DB2, JUNIT, JXL,iText, web service SOA (XSD,WSDL, JAXB marshalling),Build ant, Java,Eclipse, tools Putty,open VPN,Notepad++, Winscp, SVN, decompiler java, language java, reflection,Filezilla, Web server Rational Application Developer, IBM Websphere Message Broker,LDAP, Hibernate XML,servlet,Serena business mashups, JFreechart,script sh



10/2008 to 11/2011: Master Degree in Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Grade: 110/110 with honors

09/2005 to 09/2008: Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Grade: 102/110

Download Degree's Documents

Table with main courses of both universities

Course Electrotechnology in during University degreeDiodes, resistors, inductors
Courses foundamentals of Computer science I and II during Bachelor degreeVisual C++
Courses of electrical communications I and II during Bachelor degreeModulation (amplitude, frequency,phase DSB-SC, SSB, VSB, AM Standard, OOK, BPSK, DPSK, FSK, QPSK, MPSK, QAM, MSK, GMSK,), demodulation, Fourier transformation,Sampling and reconstruction of signals,PCM,TDM
Nyquist, Bode, Shannon, Root locus, tests by using MatlabCourse of fundamentals of automatic I and II at during Bachelor degree
Course of measurements and instrumentationmeasuring instruments , oscilloscope , spectrum analyzer , sensors , transducers , measurement errors
Course of Electronics II during University degreeDigital electronics: Making memories (RAM, latch, flip flop), ports And, OR etc, encoder, decoder, multiplexer, counter, register, PROM, EPROM,TTL,De Morgan
Course of Operating Systems during University degreeLinux all commands, memory manager,Making file system, interrupt, scheduling processes CPU,virtual memory, Hard disk, Threads
Course of electronic computers during University degreebuilding DLX 486,DMA,Cache, execute, instruction pipeline (fetch decode execute mem writeback), assembly, multicore CPU, multithreading CPU
Course of Electronics I during University degreeCMOS, BJT, MOSFET, operational amplifiers
Course of Antennas and Electromagnetic Compatibility during my University degreeMaking and developing all kind of Antennas using also the Smith card
Courses of telematics I and telecommunications networksISO-OSI, TCP-IP, ICMP, ARP, DNS, UDP, Mobile networks, MANET, routing, spanning tree, switches, bridges, OSPF, BGP, IPV6, MAC
Courses of telematics II and telecommunications networks during my University degreeApplication protocols: HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, Java.net, FTP, P2P
Courses of control of the processes I and II during my University degreeSystems LTI, SISO MIMO, stability, error rejection, parametric variation,Transition matrix,characteristic matrix,Observability and constructability,Feature matrix, z-transformation, stability of digital systems (BIBO) and networks corrective
Course of Information Systems Security during my Master degreeCryptography, Viruses, Injenctions (script, sql), Buffer overflow and C++, exploiting
Course of Artificial Intelligence during my Master degreeGame theory, Min-Max, Tableaux, First order Logic, Ontology, Prolog
Course of Foundamentals of systems with discrete events during my Master degreeLadder PLC
Courses of Software engineering and management of innovation projects during my Master degreeUML, Project management, Design pattern, Tests, Quality of software, Making requirements
Course of ebusiness models during my Master degreeData mining, Weka
Course of Identification and intelligent control during my Master degreeMachine learning, Neural network, genetic algorithms
Courses of Systems for encoding and transmission of Multimedia signal and Techniques of artificial vision during my Master degreeImage and video processing and coding: H264, Wavelets transformation,JPG transformation, 3d camera, Hadamard,RTSP, RTP e RTCP,VOIP,TFRC,DVB
Courses of Lab of telecommunication network and models of telecommunication networks during my Master degreeProgramming cisco Instruments
Course of information systems of web during my Master degreeweb services, rest services, SOAP, Cloud, XSD,CRM, Middleware,Ajax,RDF,SVG,XPATH,Xquery,Information retrival,Html,CSS,ER modelling,SQL

2000 to 2005: High School O. Jannuzzi, Andria (Italy) industrial high school specialized in computer science
Grade: 86/100


Languages with relative certificates

Italian Itlian: mother tongue English

Duolingo's certificates

The whole Duolingo tree on 21th February 2015

Certificate Advanced (B2) on 31th January 2015

American and british academy's certificates

Certificate Business (C1) on 1th February 2015

To be followed by about to; Future Continuous; The future of there is there are; The future of can; The future of must; Future Perfect; Future Perfect Continuous; Relative pronouns in English; Reflexive pronouns in English; The passive voice in English I; The passive voice in English II; The conditional with the past in English; Unless, in case; Uses of the conditional in English; Could, should, might; The conditional with the past perfect; Could have, should have, might have; Mixed Conditionals; Reported Speech I; Reported Speech II; Phrasal verbs I; Phrasal verbs II

Certificate Advanced (B2) on 27th December 2014

Compound words with some Compound words with any; Compound words with no; Compound words with very; The pronoun one; The adverb else; Expressions of frequency in English; Impersonal sentences with it I; Impersonal sentences with it II; I also like it, me too, so do I; I don't like it either, neither do I; Why don't ? Past Continuous; The Gerund in English; The Gerund after prepositions; The Gerund after verbs; The Gerund after a verb + a preposition; The Gerund after an adjective + a preposition; The Gerund with to do; To do versus to make; Gerundio con to go; To go followed by a preposition; To get

Certificate Upper Intermediate (B2) on 7th December 2014

The verbs say and tell; The Imperative in English; Adverbs of quantity very, so, too; Adverbs of quantity too much, too many; Prepositions of place in English; Prepositions of movement in English; Verbs of the senses in English; Comparative adjectives in English; Comparative of equality in English; Superlative adjectives in English; Adverbs of manner in English; Other adverbs in English: time, place; Present Perfect; Since, for, just; Not yet, still not, never; Yet?, already, still; Ever?, how long? Simple Past versus Present Perfect; American and British English; Present Perfect Continuous; Habits in the past; Past Perfect; I had just; Past Perfect Continuous

Certificate Intermediate (B1) on 1th November 2014

Can: questions, requests and asking for permission; Formal requests Could you ?, May I ? Requests and questions with modal verbs in English; Must and to have to; Questions with must and to have to; Negative sentences with must, should; The conditional with the present; The conditional with the future; Substitutes for will can, must, may, might; Substitutes for if - unless, in case; The Simple Past of to be in the affirmative; The Simple Past of to be in the negative; The Simple Past of to be in questions and answers; The Simple Past of there is there are; Regular verbs in English; The Simple Past of regular verbs; Irregular verbs in English; The Simple Past of irregular verb; The Simple Past in negative sentences and questions; The Simple Past of the verb can; The Simple Past of the verb to have to; How to ask for confirmation in the past in English

Certificate Lower intermediate (A2) on 20th September 2014

The verb to have in the affirmative; To have in the negative and questions; Some and any; There is There are; Adverbs of quantity much, many; Possessive adjectives in English; Adjectives and demonstrative pronouns in English; The Saxon genitive my father's car and whose; Possessive pronouns in English; Object pronouns in English; Qualifying adjectives in English; Expressing age in English; The Present Continuous; The Present Continuous versus the Simple Present; The Future with the Simple Present and Present Continuous; The Future with will; Shall to make offers and suggestions; Requests with will and would; Making offers- Do you want ? Making suggestions Do you want to ? Offering to do something Do you want me to ? Replies to offers and suggestions; The Future with going to; The Future: I will fly I'm going to fly I'm flying

Certificate Beginners (A1) on 7th September 2014

Personal pronouns and the verb to be; To be in negative sentences, questions and answers; Contractions with the verb to be; Articles and plurals in English; Good morning, Mr, Mrs; How to greet people in English; The English alphabet and spelling; Numbers in English; How to tell the time in English; Days, months, ordinal numbers and dates in English; How to speak on the phone in English; How to ask for confirmation with the verb to be; Classifying verbs in English; Simple Present; The verb to do as an auxiliary; Adverbs of frequency in English; To like; Questions with what and which; Questions with how and whatlike; Questions with who, where; In, at, on as prepositions of place; Questions with why, when; In, at, on as prepositions of time; How to ask for confirmation with the verb to do

IT certificates

IT certificates all over the world - english language


Table with all my IT certificates all over the world

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Text Retrieval and Search EnginesNatural language content analysis;
Text access: push, pull, querying, browsing;
Definition of text retrieval problem;
Overview of text retrieval methods;
Vector space retrieval model;
TF-IDF weighting
Cranfield evaluation methodology;
Precision & recall;
Mean average precision;
Normalized discounted cumulative gain;
Inverted index ;
Integer compression;
Search with inverted index
Probabilistic retrieval model;
Query likelihood retrieval model;
Statistical language model;
Smoothing of language model;
Feedback in text retrieval ;
Rocchio feedback method;
KL-divergence retrieval model
Mixture model for feedback;
Overview of web search;
Web crawler;
MapReduce and web indexing;
Link analysis (PageRank, HITS);
Learning to rank;
Content-based recommendation;
Collaborative filtering
University of New Mexico -Web Application ArchitecturesWhat is a Web Application?;
Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Application Architectures;
Design Patterns;
Database Interactions;
Relational Databases;
Databases in Rails;
The Active Record Design Pattern
The Ruby Programming Language;
Classes and Inheritance;
Objects and Variables;
Strings, Regular Expressions and Symbols;
Expressions and Control Structures;
Collections, Blocks and Iterators
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Request Response
The Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Design Pattern
Rails Controllers -- Request Handling, Rails Controllers -- Response
MVC Implementation in Rails Presentation/User Interface, HTML ?
Basic Syntax Document Structure Forms Dynamic Content;
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS);
JavaScript and jQuery; Ajax
University of Virginia: Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management Classify a project as successful or not
Appreciate what makes projects successful
Learn from unsuccessful projects
be aware of the different project life cycle stages and the role each stage has in the evolution of a project
define a project and set project goals and objectives
prioritize amongst project objectives
come to appreciate the complexity of planning and managing projects
be more cognizant of considering project stakeholders' opinions
The Ins and Outs of Project Planning
During our second week, we will start digging into the details, focusing on how to develop a project plan. We'll understand why we plan and what a plan should or should not include. We will discuss the process of scoping out a project and see tools that can help us identify what should be included in our project. We'll learn about sequencing project tasks and the nature of the dependencies among project activates. We will learn how to determine a project?s duration and critical path, how it is determined, and why it is useful. We'll see how we should schedule a project and, finally, we?ll review how you can make changes to a plan to support your overall project objectives.
recognize the importance of proper project planning
appreciate the components that go into proper project planning
Be able to scope out a project
Be able to visualize and communicate to others a project?s scope
How to identify tasks? dependencies and sequencing
Understand the difference among different types of dependencies
Be able to derive a project's duration by identifying the critical path
have the ability to generate and understand Gantt charts and network diagrams
identify how to relate project objectives to scheduling decisions
Week 3: It?s a Risky World, and Then the Unexpected Happened
In our third week, we will consider the risk and uncertainties projects face. We'll understand what is risky about projects. We will identify and assess project risks and prioritize these risks in order to focus our attention on those most impactful to the project. We?ll consider schedule risks in detail and ask, "What is the likelihood of finishing on time? What are the drivers that may cause delays in my project?" We will see how a project budget can be set to include a contingency. Finally, we'll consider situations with a high degree of ambiguity and identify methods than can useful in these situations.
assess, prioritize and manage major project risks
have the ability to set a project completion date and budget with confidence
interpret a tornado diagram
conceptualize and articulate schedule risks, and learn to use the language of probability to articulate the chances of completing a project on time and on budget
have an appreciation for how ambiguity can be dealt with in the context of projects
Project Execution
move from plan to action and consider the execution phase of a project. We'll learn about the earned value approach for monitoring and controlling progress. We will consider the individuals who are executing the project and how their habits impact project progress. We'll discuss some alternative methods for project execution such as Agile, Scrum, and Kanban. Finally, we will review and summarize the course and our journey from project definition through execution and completion.
understand the stages in executing a project
master the principles of the earned value analysis method for tracking project progress
have knowledge of different project management methodologies such as Agile, Scrum, and Kanban
be capable of selecting the most appropriate project management methodology given the project objectives, the degrees of uncertainty and the project constraints
possess the language and knowledge around Agile Methodology principles and team requirements and structure
University of Maryland, College Park Cryptography Digital Signatures cryptography;
Computational Secrecy;
Private-Key Encryption;
Message Authentication Codes;
Number Theory;
Key Exchange and Public-Key Encryption;
Digital Signatures
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign- Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2 Classical Distributed Algorithms Continued Leader Election Mutual Exclusion;
Concurrency and Replication Control Concurrency Control Replication Control
Emerging Paradigms Scheduling Stream Processing Distributed Graph Processing Brighten Godfrey Interview
Classical Systems Scheduling, Stream Processing, Distributed Graph Processing
Real-Life Behaviors Security Structure of Networks Datacenter Outage Studies
Northwestern University - Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing Introduction, Image and Video Processing vs Image and Video Analysis vs Computer Vision, the electromagnetic spectrum, applications of image and video processing
2D and 3D signals and systems, linear and shift invariant systems (convolution)
2D and 3D Fourier transform, 2D and 3D discrete-Fourier transform, uniform sampling
Motion estimation and its applications
Image and video enhancement (e.g., edge detection, noise filtering, histogram equalization, inpainting)
Image recovery (restoration, super-resolution)
Video recovery (restoration, super-resolution)
Lossless compression
Image compression techniques and standards
Video compression techniques and standards
Image and video analysis (e.g., 2D and 3D segmentation, clustering)
Sparsity-based advances in image and video processing
Vanderbilt University- Introduction to Programming with MATLAB Matrices and Operators;
Programmer’s Toolbox;
Data Types;
File Input/Output.
LinuxFoundationX- Introduction to Linux 1. Introduction
Linux Foundation
Linux Foundation Training
Course Linux Requirements
2. Linux Philosophy and Components
Linux History
Linux Philosophy
Linux Community
Linux Terminology
Linux Distributions
3. Linux Structure and Installation
Linux filesystem basics
The boot process
Linux Distribution Installation
4. Graphical Interface
Session Management
Basic Operations
Graphical Desktop
5. System Configuration from the Graphical Interface
System, Display, Time and Date Settings
Network Manager
Installing and Updating Software
6. Command-line Operations
Command Line Mode Options
Basic Operations
Searching for Files
Working with Files
Installing Software
7. Finding Linux Documentation
Documentation Sources
The man pages
GNU info
Help Command
Other Documentation Sources
8. File Operations
Filesystem Architecture
Comparing Files and File Types
Backing Up and Compressing Data
9. User Environment
Environmental Variables
Recalling Commands
Command Aliases
File Permissions
10. Text Editors
Basic Editors: nano and gedit
More Advanced Editors: vi and emacs
11. Local Security Principles
Understanding Linux Security
Understand the Uses of root
Using the sudo Command
Working with Passwords
Bypassing User Authentication
12. Network Operations
Introduction to Networking
Transferring Files
13. Manipulating Text
Modifying Files
sed and awk Commands
File Manipulation Utilities
grep Command
Misc Text Utilities
Dealing with Large Files and Text-related Commands
14. Printing
Printing Operations
COPYRIGHT The Linux Foundation, 2014. Do Not Distribute.
Manipulating Postscript and PDF Files
15. Bash Shell Scripting
Features and Capabilities
16. Advanced Bash Shell Scripting
String Manipulation
Boolean Expressions
File Tests
Case Structure
Tips and Tricks
17. Processes
Introduction to Processes and Process Attributes
Listing Processes
Process Metrics and Process Control
Starting Processes in the Future
18. Common Applications
Internet Applications
Multimedia Applications
Graphics Editors
Using Secure Shell
Rice University - An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Functions
Event-driven programming
local and global variables
buttons and input fields
The canvas
static drawing
interactive drawing
keyboard input
positional/velocity control
W3Cx: HTML5.1x Learn HTML5 from W3C From HTML1.0 to HTML5
New structural elements
Other elements and attributes
Streaming multimedia content
Subtitles and closed captions
Enhanced media players and frameworks
Webcam, microphone: getUserMedia API
Basics of HTML5 canvas
Immediate drawing mode
Path drawing mode
Colors, gradients, patterns, shadows, etc
Basic animation techniques
Canvas and user interaction
A glimpse of advanced canvas functionalities
Introduction to HTML5 Forms
Accessible forms
New input types
New forms attributes
New elements related to forms
Form validation API
Examples of powerful HTML5 forms
HTML5 APIs Introduction
HTML5 Cache
The Web Storage API
The File API: reading files
Geolocation API
Rice University - An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Mouse input, more lists, dictionaries, images
Classes, tiled images
Acceleration and friction, sprite class, sound
Sets, groups of sprites, collisions, sprite animation
Microsoft Programming with C# Data Types, Variables, Operators and Expressions, Decision Statements,Repetition in C#,
Methods,Exception Handling,
Working with Arrays, Working with Enumerations (enum),
Working with Structures (struct),
Creating Classes in C#,Encapsulation
Static Methods and Static Classes,Anonymous Classes
Resource Management (Garbage Collection),Collections
Working with Generics,Using Events and Delegates
Using LINQ,Multitasking and Parallel Programming
Asynchronous Programming in C#
Microsoft Introduction to Bootstrap – a tutorial basics of Bootstrap grid system Page Design and Data Display
Forms and user interaction


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Career of Master DegreeDownloadDownloads: 805
Career of Bachelor DegreeDownloadDownloads: 1101
Scrolls of my degreesDownloadDownloads: 804
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